
All Wasabi Scripts contain various editable and unobscured files containing, exports, client and server functions, configuration methods and more.

View Configuration
-----------------For support, scripts, and more----------------
---------------  -------------
Config                       = {}
-- Text UI's, notifications, frameworks, and other integrations can be made --
-- via dependency "wasabi_bridge" in the "customize" directory!             --

Config.CheckForUpdates  = true  -- Recommended

Config.toggleLockKey    = 'U'   -- Which key to register as toggle of vehicle locks?
Config.lockDistance     = 10.0  -- Distance in which one can unlock their closest car?

Config.lockNPCVehicles  = false -- Lock all NPC cars?

Config.robPedKeys       = {     -- Ability to rob peds at gun point for their keys
    enabled = true,             -- Enable robbing peds for their car keys?
    timeToRob = 4,              -- Duration(In seconds) to rob ped when approaching at gunpoint
    label = 'Stealing Keys. . .'

Config.givingKeys       = {       -- Giving keys options
    enabled = true,                -- Enable giving keys feature?
    command = 'givekey',          -- Desired command to give key
    removeKey = true,             -- Remove the key to vehicle from person giving key
    menuPosition =
    'bottom-right'                -- Choose where player selection menu is positioned. Options : 'top-left' or 'top-right' or 'bottom-left' or 'bottom-right'

Config.manageKeys            = {  -- Manage keys in hand via menu
    enabled = true,               -- Enable this feature
    command = 'managekeys',       -- Command to open menu for opening key management menu (Set to false if not desired)
    allowRemove = true,           -- Allow removal of keys that were given
    menuPosition =
    'bottom-right'                -- Choose where key selection menu is positioned. Options : 'top-left' or 'top-right' or 'bottom-left' or 'bottom-right'

Config.noKeysNeeded          = { -- Vehcile models that don't require keys
    -- Add more here if desired

Config.WhitelistedPlates     = { -- Vehicle plates that don't require keys
    -- Add more plates as desired

Config.hotwire               = { -- Hotwire options
    enabled = true,              -- Enable ability to hotwire?
    string = '[H] - Hotwire',    -- String desired to display in Text UI
    hotkey = 74,                 -- Default 'H'(74) /
    maxAttempts = 2,             -- Max attempts someone can take at hotwiring vehicle
    difficulties = {
        -- Comment out if you want no hotwire for category(Like cycles below)
        [0] = { 'easy', 'medium', 'easy' },      -- Compacts
        [1] = { 'easy', 'easy', 'easy' },        -- Sedans
        [2] = { 'easy', 'medium', 'easy' },      -- Compacts
        [3] = { 'medium', 'medium', 'easy' },    -- Coupes
        [4] = { 'medium', 'medium', 'easy' },    -- Muscle
        [5] = { 'medium', 'medium', 'medium' },  -- Sports Classics
        [6] = { 'medium', 'medium', 'medium' },  -- Sports
        [7] = { 'medium', 'hard', 'hard' },      -- Super
        [8] = { 'easy', 'easy', 'easy' },        -- Motorcycles
        [9] = { 'easy', 'medium', 'easy' },      -- Off-road
        [10] = { 'easy', 'easy', 'easy' },       -- Industrial
        [11] = { 'easy', 'easy', 'easy' },       -- Utility
        [12] = { 'easy', 'easy', 'easy' },       -- Vans
        --       [13] = { 'easy', 'easy', 'easy' }, -- Cycles
        [14] = { 'easy', 'easy', 'easy' },       -- Boats
        [15] = { 'medium', 'hard', 'easy' },     -- Helicopters
        [16] = { 'medium', 'hard', 'easy' },     -- Planes
        [17] = { 'medium', 'medium', 'medium' }, -- Service
        [18] = { 'hard', 'medium', 'hard' },     -- Emergency
        [19] = { 'hard', 'hard', 'hard' },       -- Military
        [20] = { 'easy', 'medium', 'easy' },     -- Commercial
        --        [21] = { 'easy', 'easy', 'easy' }, -- Trains
        --        [22] = { 'easy', 'easy', 'easy' }, -- Open Wheel?

Config.lockpick              = {
    enabled = true,    -- Enable lockpick functionality?
    item = 'lockpick',
    chanceOfLoss = 50, -- Chance of bending lockpick and losing item
    difficulties = {
        -- Comment out if you want no lockpick for category(Like cycles below)
        [0] = { 'easy', 'medium', 'easy' },      -- Compacts
        [1] = { 'easy', 'easy', 'easy' },        -- Sedans
        [2] = { 'easy', 'medium', 'easy' },      -- Compacts
        [3] = { 'medium', 'medium', 'easy' },    -- Coupes
        [4] = { 'medium', 'medium', 'easy' },    -- Muscle
        [5] = { 'medium', 'medium', 'medium' },  -- Sports Classics
        [6] = { 'medium', 'medium', 'medium' },  -- Sports
        [7] = { 'medium', 'hard', 'hard' },      -- Super
        [8] = { 'easy', 'easy', 'easy' },        -- Motorcycles
        [9] = { 'easy', 'medium', 'easy' },      -- Off-road
        [10] = { 'easy', 'easy', 'easy' },       -- Industrial
        [11] = { 'easy', 'easy', 'easy' },       -- Utility
        [12] = { 'easy', 'easy', 'easy' },       -- Vans
        --       [13] = { 'easy', 'easy', 'easy' }, -- Cycles
        [14] = { 'easy', 'easy', 'easy' },       -- Boats
        [15] = { 'medium', 'hard', 'easy' },     -- Helicopters
        [16] = { 'medium', 'hard', 'easy' },     -- Planes
        [17] = { 'medium', 'medium', 'medium' }, -- Service
        [18] = { 'hard', 'medium', 'hard' },     -- Emergency
        [19] = { 'hard', 'hard', 'hard' },       -- Military
        [20] = { 'easy', 'medium', 'easy' },     -- Commercial
        --        [21] = { 'easy', 'easy', 'easy' }, -- Trains
        --        [22] = { 'easy', 'easy', 'easy' }, -- Open Wheel?

Config.searchingVehicle      = {                                                                 -- Vehicle search options
    enabled = true,                                                                              -- Enable searching of vehicle for keys/loot
    string = '[L] - Search',                                                                     -- String desired to display in Text UI
    hotkey = 7,                                                                                  -- Default 'S' (78) /
    progressLabel = 'Searching Vehicle. . .',
    timeToSearch = 8,                                                                            -- Time it takes to search vehicle (In seconds)
    rewards = {                                                                                  -- Obtainable random items
        [1] = { chance = 50, type = 'account', name = 'money', quantity = math.random(30, 75) }, -- Example of money as reward
        [2] = { chance = 30, type = 'key' },                                                     -- If want to give key as reward??
        [3] = { chance = 50, type = 'item', name = 'water', label = 'Water', quantity = 1 },     -- Example of item reward

Last updated